Financial Market State Identification by MarkovSwitching Vector Autoregressive Model: a Policy TextApproach (submitted)
Published in , 2024
Identifying market states is technically classifying the market into different groups. Accurate market states facilitate understanding of market dynamics. This study uses public information texts and employs a Markov Switching Vector Autoregression (MS-VAR) model to identify market states and analyze their impact on market volatility and returns. Market states capture the time-series characteristics of policy text semantics. During market state transitions, volatility decreases significantly, aligning with existing research and validating the method. Key findings include: 1. At the overall market, market states influence return volatility by moderating economic policy uncertainty, and return level through cash flow channel instead of discount rate channel. 2. At the industry level, market states affect volatility across sectors, with stronger effects in mining, hospitality, personal services, education, and healthcare, indicating higher policy sensitivity in these sectors. 3. This effect is more pronounced when policy texts contain more emotional language.